Grading Policy
Participation/Dressing: 60%
Students are required to dress out in their uniform, participate to the best of their ability and maintain a positive attitude daily.
Note: An illness does not excuse a student from dressing out; you will still be asked to participate to the best of your ability.
Fitness Performance incluing Weekly Runs: 25%
Test/Quizzes/Written Assignments/etc: 15%
Written quizzes/tests and Projects/Presentations: These include various assignments, which may consist of the sports units learned, fitness, rules, performance routines, etc.
Daily Maximum Points = 10
All students are required to dress out daily in PE. It is the students' responsibility to make up any missed activity or tests due to absences. See the Injury or Illness Policy for more information.
Examples of Point Deductions:
3 points will be deducted for poor effort, non-participation, incomplete runs, gum chewing, inappropriate dress (shirts tied in knots, sagging, etc.), if tardy at exercise numbers, inappropriate shoes, etc. In regards to effort, students will be warned first. If the student’s participation does not improve, points will be deducted. A student may lose a maximum of 6 points in one day for lack of effort and a bad attitude.
5 points will be deducted for inappropriate behavior, swearing, wearing school clothes under gym clothes, wearing P.E. clothing that belongs to other students, etc.
7 points will be deducted for each day the student does not wear their entire uniform (i.e., shirt, shorts, shoes, socks). This includes wearing the wrong colored shirt and shorts.